Friday, April 15, 2011

14 Questions to Discover If Weight Loss Hypnosis Can Work for You.

By Chel Hamilton

There's plenty of talk (and controversy) about hypnosis. It seems that people either totally believe in it (and love it) or think it's all some sort of scam for the weak-minded people of the world. Even when someone who has overcome something like smoking, or binge eating, successfully with hypnosis shares about their experience with friends and family, the common response is usually something like, "That's great that it worked for you, but I'm pretty sure I couldn't be hypnotized."

Did you know...

1) Scientific studies show 90-95% of people CAN be hypnotized?

2) Contrary to popular belief, those studies have shown that the smarter you are, the more hypnotizable you are?

So, what exactly is hypnosis? Well most medical experts agree that hypnosis (also referred to as hypnotic suggestion, or hypnotherapy) is a state of physical relaxation coupled with heightened mental focus, inner absorption, and concentration. It is also referred to a a trance state of awareness -- not unlike zoning out in front of the television, or getting into the zone when playing a sport. In hypnosis you usually feel very calm and relaxed, yet you are still aware of what is going on around you and what is being said to you.

In this hypnotic trance state some people find they are more easily able to block out distractions, while others find themselves in a state of hyper-awareness...more alert and aware of the sounds and distractions around them. Neither way is more "right" or wrong than the other. And neither way has been shown to adversely affect the hypnotic process.

While under hypnosis the subconscious mind is more open than usual to suggestions -- and this can be used with weight loss to modify your perceptions, behavior, sensations and emotions about food and exercise in your innermost mind. Therapeutic hypnosis is used to improve your health and well-being (and is very different from so-called "stage hypnosis" used by entertainers). Perhaps most importantly, although you're more open to suggestion during therapeutic hypnosis, your free will remains intact and you don't lose control over your behavior.

So, how can you tell if you're "hypnotizable?"

The great news is that there's a simple quiz you can take to find out just how "hypnotizable" you are so you can know for sure if weight loss hypnosis can work for you. 14 easy questions, and when you're done, you will know exactly how hypnotizable you are:

1) Have you ever awakened in the night and felt you couldn't speak and/or move?

2) Are you able to highly focus your concentration on a thought or task when it's of interest to you?

3) Do you consider yourself an analytical person?

4) Do you sometimes "tune out" when someone is talking to you, and therefore do not hear what was said because your mind drifts to something totally unrelated?

5) Have you ever experienced being "in the zone" when doing a task, or playing music, sports, or a similar activity?

6) As a child, did you feel that you were more affected by your parents' tone of voice than by what they actually said?

7) Do other people consider you a caring, empathetic and "feeling type" person?

8) Have you ever become so involved in a novel, TV show, or movie that you've cried during a very sad (or very happy) moment in the story?

9) Have you ever "zoned out" while driving and missed your freeway exit and/or arrived home and realized you didn't really remember driving there?

10) Are you able to follow important yet simple instructions?

11) Have you ever looked for something (car keys, sunglasses, etc.) that was right in front of you...but you just didn't see it at the time?

12) Have you had the experience of someone calling your name, but you happened to be so deeply absorbed in thought (or something you were doing) that you simply didn't hear the person calling you?

13) During adulthood, have you ever walked and/or talked in your sleep?

14) Are you able to imagine things and/or visualize them?

1-5 "Yes" Answers: With some extra hypnosis practice, and some extra hypnosis reinforcement (like a tape), you may be able to get hypnosis to help you with your weight loss goals.

6-11: Congratulations! You can easily take advantage of the benefits and power of hypnosis for weight loss -- empowering you to have the body you deserve.

12-14 "Yes" Answers: You are probably in a light state of hypnosis all the time and may need to be de-hypnotized so you aren't feeling so easily overwhelmed all the time! But don't worry. The positive effects of weight loss hypnosis will totally work for you.

Do You found it Useful? Have a look at this blog for others nice tips on best weight loss plan.

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